English: A tile ball created with the fractal art program Apophysis (parameters).
Each of the tiles on the black floor (after applying an appropriate transformation, and maybe making outer tiles fade into shadows) is identical to the entire tiling (without the spheres), making the tiling indeed a fractal. The "endless" stack of spheres contained within each other exhibits fractal properties as well, though since the ratio in diameter between the inner and outer spheres appears to vary it is doubtful whether a simple affine transformation suffices to map an inner sphere onto an outer one with all the internal spheres matching.
Español: Una pelota de azulejos creado con fractal programa Apophysis. Los parámetros están por debajo.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=A tile ball created with fractal art program Apophysis. Parameters are below.}} {{es|1=Una pelota de azulejos creado con arte fractal programa [[:es:Apophysis|