Файл:Flag of Vatican City (2001–2023).svg
Розмір цього попереднього перегляду PNG для вихідного SVG-файлу: 500 × 500 пікселів. Інші роздільності: 240 × 240 пікселів | 480 × 480 пікселів | 768 × 768 пікселів | 1024 × 1024 пікселів | 2048 × 2048 пікселів.
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Дата/час | Мініатюра | Розмір об'єкта | Користувач | Коментар | |
поточний | 01:25, 2 вересня 2023 | 500 × 500 (46 КБ) | Veverve | Reverted to version as of 14:20, 1 January 2023 (UTC) it is the flag | |
23:46, 1 вересня 2023 | 500 × 500 (53 КБ) | Israelj123 | Reverted to version as of 14:19, 1 January 2023 (UTC) not the flag | ||
14:20, 1 січня 2023 | 500 × 500 (46 КБ) | Ketchup-ze-Sauce | Reverted to version as of 00:30, 28 December 2022 (UTC) | ||
14:19, 1 січня 2023 | 500 × 500 (53 КБ) | Ketchup-ze-Sauce | Reverted to version as of 16:53, 11 July 2017 (UTC) | ||
00:30, 28 грудня 2022 | 500 × 500 (46 КБ) | Vuccala | Reverted to version as of 20:34, 5 June 2015 (UTC): '''WikiDan61:''' while the red lining of the tiara is indeed present on the more detailed and colorful Coats of arms of the Holy See and Vatican City, it is '''not''' present in the offical illustration of the flag's tiara as described in Fundamental Law of Vatican City State, in "Art. 20, §1, Attachment A". "Attachment A" is foun... | ||
16:53, 11 липня 2017 | 500 × 500 (53 КБ) | WikiDan61 | Color correction. All images of actual Vatican City flags show the "gold" in the keys and tiara rendered in the same hue as the gold/yellow band of the flag, as well as a red opening at the bottom of the tiara. | ||
20:34, 5 червня 2015 | 500 × 500 (46 КБ) | SiBr4 | SVG code reduction and validation; symmetry | ||
19:25, 16 грудня 2014 | 500 × 500 (163 КБ) | InfattiVedeteCheViDice | Reverted to version as of 08:53, 11 February 2014: the keys are in gold | ||
15:33, 9 травня 2014 | 500 × 500 (144 КБ) | P-JR | Gold color | ||
08:53, 11 лютого 2014 | 500 × 500 (163 КБ) | InfattiVedeteCheViDice | Reverted to version as of 13:59, 14 December 2013 (more similar to the original one, see here: https://it.wiki.x.io/wiki/Progetto:Laboratorio_grafico/Immagini_da_migliorare/Archivio/164#Stemmi_SCV_2_-_Bandiera - Done on the Italian Graphic Lab with... |
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