English: Kingdom of Norway, Regerings Kommission, 5 Rigsdaler Courant (1807). Norway circulated one issue of paper currency in 1695 and following a hiatus of just over a century, resumed issuing banknotes in 1807. Issued during the union of Denmark-Norway. "Five Rigsdaler Danish Courant On request, the owner of this note, when presenting it, receives five Rigsdaler Danish Courant, either at the Schleswig-Holstein Treasury in Rendsborg or at the Royal County Hall in Aalborg. Meanwhile this instrument, until it is revoked, shall be valid amongst men [with a value of] five rigsdaler Danish Courant and be received for thus at all Royal collections of revenue. Issued according to the highest Regulation of 18th September 1807 and by authorization from the Royal Government Commission. Christiania, the 1st October 1807."
Ця робота вільна і її може використовувати будь-хто у будь-яких цілях. Якщо Ви бажаєте використати цей контент, Вам не потрібно просити дозволу, за умови, що Ви слідуватимете усім ліцензійним вимогам, згаданим на цій сторінці.
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