Файл:Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites fig 3.webp

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Опис файлу

English: Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites. Spatial and temporal complexity in AP greening trend over the past 35 years. a–d, Vegetated area (km2, <300 m a.s.l.) in the years 1986 (a), 2004 (b), 2016 (c) and 2021 (d) based on Landsat 5–8 data. The hexagons each represent 5,000 km2 and are coloured according to the area of NDVI > 0.2 they contain, therefore allowing for systematic visualization of greening trends despite the relatively small proportion of ice-free land compared with ice-covered land and ocean. The presented years were chosen on the basis of percentage of land imaged, highest area with NDVI > 0.2 and temporal spacing through the time series (see Fig. 2 for detail). e, Mann–Kendall trend analysis results for all available years (1985–2021) showing direction of trend and confidence level. See Supplementary Fig. 4.2 for the TCG equivalent of this figure. Coastline and ice-free land are shown by the black outline.
Час створення
Джерело Roland, T.P., Bartlett, O.T., Charman, D.J. et al. Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites. Nat. Geosci. DOI
Автор Roland, T.P., Bartlett, O.T., Charman, D.J. et al.


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поточний02:12, 7 жовтня 2024Мініатюра для версії від 02:12, 7 жовтня 20241773 × 1038 (257 КБ)Abalg{{Information |Description= {{en|Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites. Spatial and temporal complexity in AP greening trend over the past 35 years. a–d, Vegetated area (km2, <300 m a.s.l.) in the years 1986 (a), 2004 (b), 2016 (c) and 2021 (d) based on Landsat 5–8 data. The hexagons each represent 5,000 km2 and are coloured according to the area of NDVI > 0.2 they contain, therefore allowing for systematic visualization of greening trends despite the relative...

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