Español: Entrada rodeada de raíces de Tetrameles nudiflora en el templo jemer de Ta Phrom, complejo de templos de Angkor, situado en lo que hoy es Camboya. El templo Ta Phrom, de estilo Bayon, fue construido en el siglo XII como monasterio y universidad.
English: Door surrounded by roots of Tetrameles nudiflora in the Khmer temple of Ta Phrom, Angkor temple complex, located today in Cambodia. The temple Ta Phrom, of Bayon-style, was erected in the 12th century as a Buddhist monastery and university.
English: Door surrounded by roots of Tetrameles nudiflora in the Khmer temple of Ta Phrom, Angkor temple complex, located today in Cambodia. The temple Ta Phrom, of Bayon-style, was erected in the 12th century as a Buddhist monastery and university.
Інші мови:
Bosanski: Vrata okružena korjenjem biljke Tetrameles nudiflorakmerskom hramuTa Phrom, kompleks Angkor, u Kambodži. Hram Ta Phrom, napravljen u stilu Bayon, izgrađen je u 12. vijeku kao budistički manastir i univerzitet.
English: Door surrounded by roots of Tetrameles nudiflora in the Khmer temple of Ta Phrom, Angkor temple complex, located today in Cambodia. The temple Ta Phrom, of Bayon-style, was erected in the 12th century as a Buddhist monastery and university.
Español: Entrada rodeada de raíces de Tetrameles nudiflora en el templo Khmer de Ta Phrom, complejo de templos de Angkor, situado en lo que hoy es Camboya. El templo Ta Phrom, de estilo Bayon, se construyó en el siglo XII como un monasterio y universidad budista.
Français : Porte entourée par les racines du Tetrameles nudiflora dans le temple temple de Ta ProhmKhmers, Angkor, situé aujourd'hui au Cambodge. Le temple de Ta Phrom, de style Bayon, a été érigé au 12ème siècle comme un monastère bouddhiste et universitaire.
Italiano: Porta del tempio di Ta Prohm nella zona di Angkor in Cambogia. Costruito in stile Bayon nel XII secolo come monastero e scuola buddista.
Magyar: A gyökerekkel benőtt Ta Prohm templom ajtaja. A templom a mai Kambodzsa területén, Angkorban található. A templom Bajon-stílusban épült a 12. században, mint buddhista kolostor és egyetem
Nederlands: Een deur omgeven door wortels van de Tetrameles nudiflora in de Khmertempel Ta Phrom in het complex van Angkor, tegenwoordig gelegen in Cambodja. De tempel werd opgericht in de 12e eeuw.
한국어: 현재 캄보디아 앙코르 유적타 프롬 크메르 신전의 문이 테트라멜레스 누디플로라(Tetrameles nudiflora)의 뿌리에 둘러싸여 있다. 바이욘 형식의 타 프롬 신전은 불교사원과 대학으로서 12세기에 지어졌다.
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